
Graduate Course Schedule Spring 2017

Class details are subject to change. Last updated 10/21/2016 

Monday Tuesday  Wednesday Thursday Friday
BME 6086-005 Special Topics in BME: Sensory Neuroscience Lab
M 2:30-5:30pm H. Read


BME 6086-001 Special Topics in BME: Drug Delivery
M 3:00pm-6:00pm
S. Kumbar


BME 5050
Engineering Problems in the Hospital

M 3:00pm-6:00pm
F. Painter Clinical Engineering Interns ONLY Instructor Consent Required

BME 6086-006 Special Topics in BME: Biointegrated Materials & Devices at Micro & Nanoscales
T,Th 11-12:15pm
T. Nguyen


BME 6086-014 Special Topics in BME: Biosensors & Nanodevices/Biomed Apps
T 1-4:00pm   K. Hoshino Instructor Consent Required


BME 6160 Computational Genomics
T, Th 2:00-3:15 pm
I. Mandoiu


BME 6086-004 Special Topics in BME: Genetic Networks and Biological Systems
T 2-5:00pm K. Brown


BME 6086-015 Special Topics in BME: Image Processing Laboratory
T 2-6:00pm
B. Javidi


BME 6086-016 Special Topics in BME: Cellular Engineering
T 3-6:00pm
W. Vanden Berg-Foels


BME 6086-009 Special Topics in BME: Intro. to Microscopy and Biophotonics
T 4-6:20pm
G. Zheng


BME 5010 Research Methods in BME T 4:00pm-6:30pm
P. Faghri


BME 5500 Clinical Instrumentation Systems
T 6:30-9:00pm
M. Luby


BME 5100
Physiological Modeling
W 2-5:00 pm
M. Escabi


BME 6420
Medical Imaging Systems
W 3-5:45 pm
S. Shahbazmohamadi


BME 6086-002
Special Topics in BME: Computational Foundations for Systems Biology
W 5-7:30PM
Y. Shin


BME 6620 Biosolid Mechanics
W 5:00-7:30pm
D. Pierce


BME 6086-006 Special Topics in BME: Biointegrated Materials & Devices at Micro & Nanoscales
T,Th 11-12:15pm
T. Nguyen


BME 6160 Computational Genomics
T, Th 2:00-3:15 pm
I. Mandoiu


BME 6086-003
Special Topics in BME: Optogenetic Approaches for Systems Neuroscience
Th 2-4:00PM
H. Read


BME 5600
Th 6:00-8:30PM
M. Solomito


BME 5060 Clinical Engineering Rotations I F. Painter Clinical Engineering Interns ONLY Instructor Consent Required


BME 5061 Clinical Engineering Rotations II F. Painter Clinical Engineering Interns ONLY Instructor Consent Required  


BME 6094 BME Graduate Seminar F 12:00-1:00pm
K. Morgan and I. Kim Meets at both Storrs & UCHC 

Course Descriptions
Course descriptions are provided here for only those courses with a temporary course number such as BME 6086-XX. Undergraduate and Graduate course descriptions are provided at the BME website under either the BS Degree Program Description or the Graduate Program Handbook.
BME 6086-005 Special Topics in BME: Sensory Neuroscience Laboratory Techniques employed in the experimental investigation of sensory neuroscience. Laboratory exercises in psychophysics and assessment of human and animal sensory abilities. Elementary computer programming is used to synthesize and process sound files and analyze psychophysics data.  A one-hour lecture and two two-hour labs each week. 

BME 6086-001 Special Topics in BME: Drug Delivery
This course will introduce students to the concept of drug delivery systems that provide pharmaceutical agents at target tissues, the mechanism of pharmacokinetic regulation, the basics, technology, and applications of drug delivery systems. The emphasis is on the understanding of the principles of pharmacokinetics and drug delivery systems that improve clinical efficacy and reduce side effects. The course will emphasize presentation skills, and realization of the importance of the field. The course will be taught through traditional didactic lectures (70%), independent learning and class presentations (30%).

BME 6086-004 Special Topics in BME: Genetic Networks and Biological Sequences
As our ability to acquire biological data on large scales has increased, the role of computational and mathematical analyses in biology has grown dramatically. Computation, applied mathematics, and applied statistics have become an important complement to almost every part of biological research. This course will introduce these kinds of analyses in two specic domains: biological sequence (DNA, RNA, proteins) analysis and quantitative mathematical models of cell biological processes (systems and quantitative biology). In the biological sequence unit, topics we will cover include probabilistic models of DNA evolution, phylogenetic trees, sequence alignment, and hidden Markov models. In the systems biology unit, we will discuss modeling of metabolic networks, signal transduction pathways, and gene regulatory networks. Numerous real-world examples will be used throughout to demonstrate the analysis techniques.

BME 6086-014 Special Topics in BME: Biosensors and Nanodevices for Biomedical Applications
Biosensors, also known as molecular sensors or chemical sensors, along with emerging nanotechnologies offer not only valuable tools but also unlimited possibilities for engineers and scientists to explore the biomedical science. This course covers the current and emerging technologies of biosensors for biomedical applications, explaining the principles of molecular sensing and assessing types of sensing technologies currently available. Miniaturization is key to advancing biosensors which is based on bioassays including immunoassay, cell separation, DNA amplification and analysis, among many other examples. The course also covers the role of nano/micro electro mechanical systems (NEMS/MEMS) technologies in biosensors, including BioMEMS, MicroTAS and Lab on a Chip among others.

BME 6086-002 Special Topics in BME: Computational Foundations of Systems Biology
The use of computers for computation and simulation has become important in many fields of science and engineering. In this course, students will be introduced to computational biology with an emphasis on systems biology. Computational biology is similar to other computation-oriented disciplines (e.g., computational physics, control engineering, etc.) in terms of computational methods. Therefore, students will learn methods developed in other fields of computational science and engineering and apply them to biology. Students will also learn basic skills in programming using MATLAB and LabVIEW in the context of modeling, analyzing, estimating, and controlling real biological systems. Through a variety of projects, students will obtain a deeper understanding of physical and engineering principles applied to biological systems. This project-oriented, active learning approach will allows students to work at their own pace, solving problems in exploratory mode to gain better biological insights, similar to what is done in the context of research.

BME 6086-009 Special Topics in BME: Introduction to Microscopy and Biophotonics
This course will discuss the principles of different microscopy and biophotonics techniques. Topics include image formation and processing, monochromatic field propagation, field propagation through lens, coherent and incoherent imaging, 3D tomographic imaging, photon transport in biological tissues, scattering and absorption, and energy transitions associated with fluorescence. We will discuss different imaging modalities employed for biomedical research and clinical applications, including whole slide imaging, optical coherence tomography, diffusion imaging, ultrasound-aided hybrid imaging, fluorescence microscopy, phase microscopy, confocal microscopy, and super-resolution microscopy techniques. A stronger emphasis will be on the concepts underlying image formation and we will use Matlab to model different imaging modalities. The evaluation will be based on homework, a take-home midterm and a final presentation (no final exam).

BME 6086-016 Special Topics in BME: Cellular Engineering
Cellular engineering is a new area within the field of tissue engineering that emphasizes a deep understanding of foundational discoveries in cell, molecular, and developmental biology from an engineering perspective. This course will focus on the translation of these discoveries as the basis for the rational design of candidate tissue regeneration therapies. The temporal multi-stage processes of embryogenesis, fetal tissue development, and postnatal healing will be addressed, with an emphasis on the development of micro- and nano-scale tissue structures and the requirements for healthy tissue function. The in vivo environment is a complex signaling milieu, and the function of native and/or delivered cells in this context will be reviewed, including the manner in which cells migrate, synthesize and organize complex extracellular matrix structures, and modulate immune responses. This course builds on other courses in the BME curriculum and synthesizes the latest discoveries from relevant fields to prepare students for the complex task of translating basic discoveries to clinically successful tissue regeneration therapies. Course work will include both individual and group assignments.

BME 6086-006 Special Topics in BME: Biointegrated Materials and Devices at Micro and Nanoscales
In this course, students will learn the science and technology of manufacturing methods to create functional materials and devices from microscale-to-nanoscale for biointerfaces and medical applications. The course will first review briefly fundamental knowledge in materials science and engineering, and then introduce students to principles of state-of-the art micro and nanotechnologies, which allow to manufacture biomaterials and create biodevices such as drug carriers, biointegrated electronics, flexible and stretchable bioelectronics and biointerfaced nanodevices. Technologies used to characterize materials and devices at small scales will be also presented. Finally, other emerging manufacturing methods including 3D printing will be also concisely lectured.

BME 6086-015 Special Topics in BME: Image Processing Laboratory
Experiments in digital signal processing, digital image processing, imaging systems, data acquisition using detectors, pattern recognition, optimum receivers, and system performance evaluation. Emphasis is on digital image processing systems with interface between sensors and computer/processors. Applications of digital image processing techniques to design, implementation and testing of image processing systems.