Please refer to the Graduate Catalog for course descriptions.
Life Science Courses (at the graduate level) can be chosen from departments such as Physiology and Neurobiology, Molecular and Cell Biology, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Chemistry, Psychology, Pharmacy, and the Medical School.
Recommended Life Science Courses
BME 5000 Physiological Systems I
CHEM 5360 Biological Chemistry I
EEB 5348 Population Genetics
EEB 5349 Phylogenetics
MCB 5012 Foundations of Structural Biology
MCB 5025 Structure and Function of Biological Membranes
MEDS 5329 Immunobiology I
MEDS 5384/BME 6086 – Brain Microcircuits
MEDS 6455 Introduction to Systems Biology
PHAR 5216 Dosage Forms I
PHAR 5217 Dosage Forms II
PHAR 5219 Biopharmaceutics and Pharmacokinetics
PHAR 5301 Drug Design
PNB 5302 Fundamentals of Physiology
PSYC 5270 Current Topics in Behavioral Neuroscience: Neural Coding for Bionics
Biomaterials (Track Advisors: Liisa Kuhn, Yusuf Khan, Syam Nukavarapu)
Biomechanics (Track Advisors: David Pierce, Doug Adams, Krystyna Gielo-Perczak)
Biomedical Imaging and Biosensors (Track Advisors: Guoan Zhang, Yu Lei)
Clinical Engineering (Track Advisors: Dave Kaputa)
Bioinformatics and Systems Genomics (Track Advisors: )
Neuroengineering (Track Advisors: Monty Escabi and Heather Read)
Track Courses:
BME 5100 Physiological Modeling
BME 5500 Clinical Instrumentation Systems
BME 5600 Human Biomechanics
BME 5700 Introduction to Biomaterials & Tissue Engineering
BME 6140 Cellular Systems Modeling
BME 6170 Nanomedicine: From Concepts to Applications
BME 6620 Biosolid Mechanics
CE 5122 Advanced Mechanics of Materials
CHEG 5315 Transfer Operations I
CHEG 5351 Polymer Physics
CHEG 5352 Polymer Properties
CHEG 5373 Biochemical Engineering
CHEG 5395 Applied Nanomaterials
CHEG 4995/5395 Nanobiotechnology & Nanobiomaterials
CHEG 4995/5395/BME 4985/6086 Drug Delivery
CHEM 5380 Polymer Synthesis
CHEM 5382 Polymer Characterization I
MSE 5317 Electronic and Magnetic Properties of Materials
MSE 5322 Materials Characterization
STAT 5005 Intro to Applied Statistics
STAT 5625 Introduction to Biostatistics
BME 5100 Physiological Modeling
BME 5339 Introductory Ergonomics for Biomedical Scientists and Engineers
BME 5500 Clinical Instrumentation Systems
BME 5600 Human Biomechanics
BME 5630 Multiphysics Finite Element Analysis
BME 5700 Introduction to Biomaterials & Tissue Engineering
BME 6140 Cellular Systems Modeling
BME 6610 Biofluid Mechanics
BME 6620 Biosolid Mechanics
BME 6630 Biodynamics
CE 5122 Advanced Mechanics of Materials
CE 5128 Elastic Stability
CE 5163 Fracture Mechanics
CE 5164 Finite Element Methods in Applied Mechanics I
CE 5166 Finite Element Methods in Applied Mechanics II
ME 5105 Basic Concepts of Continuum Mechanics
ME 5150 Analytical and Applied Kinematics
ME 5155 Geometric Modeling
ME 5180 Dynamics
ME 5190 Advanced Mechanics of Materials
ME 5507 Engineering Analysis I
STAT 5005 Intro to Applied Statistics
STAT 5625 Introduction to Biostatistics
Biomedical Imaging and Biosensors
BME 5100 Physiological Modeling
BME 5210 Biomedical Optics: Tissue optics, instruments, and imaging
BME 5329 Advanced Ultrasonic Imaging Techniques
BME 5320 Biosensors and Nanodevices for Biomedical Applications
BME 5500 Clinical Instrumentation Systems
BME 5600 Human Biomechanics
BME 5700 Introduction to Biomaterials & Tissue Engineering
BME 6125 Digital Image Processing
BME 6126 Optics for Biomedical Engineers
BME 6143 Image Recognition
BME 6400 Biomedical Imaging
BME 6420 Medical Imaging Systems
BME 6450 Optical Microscopy and Bio-imaging
BME 6500 Biomedical Instrumentation I
BME 6510 Biomedical Instrumentation Laboratory
BME 6520 Biosensors
ECE 5101 Introduction to System Theory
ECE 5201 Electromagnetic Wave Propagation
ECE 5231 Fundamentals of Photonics
Suggested courses for BME PhD students majoring in Biophotonics:
BME 5100 Physiological Modeling (life science course required for BME Major)
ECE 5101 Introduction to System Theory
ECE 5201 Electromagnetic Wave Propagation
ECE 5231 Fundamentals of Photonics
BME 5210 Biomedical Optics: Tissue optics, instruments, and imaging
ECE/BME 6125 Digital Image Processing
ECE/BME 6126 Optics for Biomedical Engineers
ECE/BME 6143 Image Recognition
BME 6420/ECE 6305 Medical Imaging Systems
BME 6450 Optical Microscopy and Bio-imaging
BME 6500 Biomedical Instrumentation I
BME 5000 Physiological Systems I
BME 5020 Clinical Engineering Fundamentals
BME 5030 Human Error and Medical Device Accidents
BME 5040 Medical Instrumentation in the Hospital
BME 5050 Engineering Problems in the Hospital
BME 5060 Healthcare Technology Clinical Rotations I
BME 5061 Healthcare Technology Clinical Rotations II
BME 5070 Clinical Systems Engineering
BME 5080 Medical Device Cybersecurity
BME 5100 Physiological Modeling
BME 5500 Clinical Instrumentation Systems
BME 5600 Human Biomechanics
BME 5700 Introduction to Biomaterials & Tissue Engineering
AH 6305 Program Planning and Evaluation for Health Professionals
MGMT 5675 Strategic Management of Human Resources
NURS 5020 Statistical Methods in Nursing
NURS 5860 Quality and Organizational/Systems Leadership for the Scholarship of Application
NURS 5865 Information Systems for the Scholarship of Application (Formerly “Information Systems and Patient Care Technology”)
Bioinformatics and Systems Genomics
BME 5800 Bioinformatics
BME 6160 Computational Genomics
BME 6180 Computational Foundations of Systems Biology
BME 6810 Machine Learning Methods for Biomedical Signals Analysis
CSE 5095 Spec Topics in Comp Sci Engr Advanced Methods in Biological Data Mining
CSE 5095 Spec Topics in Comp Sci Engr Algorithms in Bioinformatics
CSE 5095 Spec Topics in Comp Sci Engr Biomedical Informatics
CSE 5500 Advanced Sequential and Parallel Algorithms
CSE 5701 Advanced Database Topics
CSE 5713 Data Mining
MCB 5472 Computer Methods in Molecular Evolution
STAT 4875 Nonparametric Methods
STAT 5005 Intro to Applied Statistics
STAT 5505 Applied Statistics
STAT 5625 Introduction to Biostatics
STAT 5665 Applied Multivariate Analysis
STAT 5725 Linear Statistical Models
STAT 6694 Seminar in Multivariate Statistics
BME 5100 Physiological Modeling
BME 6086 Special Topics in BME: Brain Microcircuits
BME 6086 Special Topics in BME: Image Recognition & Neural Networks for BMEs
BME 6086 Special Topics in BME: Neural Coding for Bionics
BME 6086 Special Topics in BME: Sensory Neuroscience Lab
BME 6086 Special Topics in BME: Systems Neuroscience
BME 6100 Neural Prosthesis
BME 6110 Computational Neuroscience
BME 6190 Bioelectrical signals in neuronal tissues
BME 6120 Neuronal Information Processing and Sensory Coding
BME 6500 Biomedical Instrumentation I
SLHS 5354 Physiological and Psychological Acoustics
SLHS 5355 Psychoacoustics
SLHS 5372 Central Auditory Disorders
SLHS 5375 Auditory System: Anatomy & Physiology
ECE 5101 Introduction to System Theory
ECE 6104 Information, Control and Games
ECE 6111 Applied Probability & Stochastic Processes
ECE 6121 Information Theory
ECE 6122 Digital Signal Processing
ECE 6141 Neural Networks for Classification & Optimization
ECE 6151 Communication Theory
PNB 5301 Fundamental of Neurobiology
PNB 5314 Physiology of Excitable Cells
PNB 6418 Integrative Neurobiology
PNB 6426 Molecular and Cellular Neurobiology
PNB 5330 Hormones and Behavior
PNB 6417 Developmental Neurobiology
PSYC 5140 Foundations in Neuropsychology
PSYC 5228 Neuropsychopharmacology
PSYC 5251 Neural Foundations of Learning and Memory
PSYC 5285 Neurobiology of Aging: Changes in Cognitive Processes
PSYC 5801 Neurophysiology