Biosystems engineering is commonly defined as the analysis, design, and control of biologically-based systems and plays an essential role in the development of devices and instruments for medical purposes. Biomedical imaging involves the use of technology to image biological molecules, cells, tissues, organs, body parts, and/or the entire human body. It is commonly used in the detection and characterization of existing and/or developing pathologies and relies heavily on imaging analyses and computer diagnoses. Biosignal processing is used by biomedical engineers to detect, classify, and analyze signals produced by the body. It is widely used in medical devices, such as an implantable defibrillator that acts as a personal physician monitoring the biosignal of the heart and, if a heart attack occurs, the device restores normal heart function.
In addition, this track contains many aspects of bioinstrumentation, which uses electronics, measurement principles and techniques, and innovative biosensors to develop devices for monitoring, diagnosing, and treating diseases. Bioinstrumentation used by physicians can be seen monitoring the condition of patients during surgery or during intensive care. Bioinstrumentation engineers develop and investigate many tools to detect, diagnose, and study biological conditions. For example, medical imaging systems apply energy, such as X rays, or sound waves, to the body to create detailed pictures of internal structures. Biomedical engineers have developed certain lasers and other devices to help treat disorders. Lasers, which produce narrow, powerful beams of light, make possible bloodless surgery on blood vessels, nerve fibers, retinas and corneas.
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