
Independent Study

BME Independent Study (BME 4999)

Independent studies are designed to allow students to pursue topics not offered through a traditional course. Independent studies may involve laboratory or research based work in which the student pursues and tackles a research problem with a faculty sponsor. Alternately, students can also pursue a problem based independent study, in which they are assigned weekly readings and do problem solving on a specific topic, analogous to a conventional class. The exact content of the independent study and grading requirements should be agreed upon with the faculty sponsor prior to the commencement of the class. All independent studies should have well defined requirements and measurable outcomes that serve as the basis for grading.

The independent study must include:

  • A written report (minimum 5000 words, excluding references, for a 3 credit independent study, prorated for 1 or 2 credits).
  • Reports should be emailed to the BME Department with BME Independent Study report in the Subject line.
  • The BME Form must be submitted no later than the 4th week of classes.
  • Independent Study, BME 4999, is open to students majoring in Biomedical Engineering. To enroll in BME 4999 students first complete the BME Independent Study Form. Once this form is approved by the BME Department students should complete the Student Enrollment Request Form on the registrar’s website.