Research Interests:
Email: emadi@engr.uconn.edu
Bronwell 106 A.B, 260 Glenbrook Road, Unit 3247
University of Connecticut
Storrs, CT 06269-3247
Office Phone: (860) 486-0418
Office Fax: (860)-486-2500
BS University of Paris XII, Paris, France
MS University of Paris XII, Paris, France
PhD Pasteur Institute, Paris, France
Research Summary:
My current focus is molecular, biochemical, and cell biology with an emphasis on the application and development of antibody phage display, protein engineering and cell-based assay. My past work includes the bio production, the purification and the characterization of self-assembling peptide nanoparticles (SAPNs) as a novel immunogenic design of the Malaria and Influenza vaccine; the development of recombinant antibodies for the diagnosis and treatment of neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s; the mechanisms of megakaryocytopoiesis dysregulation in myeloproliferative syndrome. I will provide research and educational services to the bioengineering laboratories and projects in the School of Engineering.
Selected Publications:
- Emadi, S., Liu, R., Yuan, B., Schulz, P., Chad, M., Lyubchenko, Y., Messer, A., and Sierks, MR.,“Inhibiting aggregation of α-synuclein with human single chain antibody fragments,” Biochemistry, 43, 2871-2878, 2004.
- Emadi, S., Clay, D., Desterke, C., Guerton, B., Maquarre, E., Charpentier, A., Jasmin, C. and Le Bousse-Kerdilès, MC., “Il8 and its CXCR-1 and CXCR-2 receptors participate in the control of megakaryocytic proliferation, differentiation and ploidy in myeloid metaplasia with myelofibrosis,” Blood, 105 (2), 464-73, 2005.
- Emadi, S., Barkhordarian, H., Wang, MS., Schulz, P., and Sierks, MR., “Isolation of a human single chain antibody fragment against oligomeric alpha-synuclein that inhibits aggregation and prevents alpha-synuclein-induced toxicity,” Journal of Molecular Biology, 364 (4), 1132-1144, 2007.
- Emadi, S., Kasturiangan, S., Wang, MS., Schultz, P., and Sierks, MR., “Detecting morphologically distinct oligomeric forms of α-synuclien,” The Journal of Biological Chemistry, 24; 284 (17), 11048-11058, 2009.
- Spencer B, Emadi S, Desplats P, Eleuteri S, Michael S, Kosberg K, Shen J, Rockenstein E, Patrick C, Adame A, Gonzalez T, Sierks M, Masliah E, “ESCRT mediated uptake and degradation of brain targeted α-synuclein-single chain antibody attenuates neuronal degeneration in vivo”Molecular Therapy, 2014.