Neuroengineering, neuromodulation, electrophysiology, experimental and computational neuroscience, soft tissue biomechanics
Research Summary:
Dr. Feng’s research is focused upon the sensory encoding and processing of the peripheral nervous system. Particular interests are given on 1) how the sensory afferent neurons detect and transmit pain-related sensory information, 2) the peripheral mechanisms that underlie the sensory aberrations in chronic pain and 3) translating scientific discoveries into next-generation neuromodulatory strategies and devices that target peripheral nerves/neurons for the better management of chronic pain.
A multidisciplinary approach has been taken including ex vivo and in vitro electrophysiological recordings and stimulations, molecular biology and transcriptome analyses, nerve-electrode interface via micro-electromechanical systems (MEMS), optogenetics, biomechanics at the nerve – tissue interface, and together with rigorous computational simulations of neural encoding and tissue biomechanics.
Details about ongoing research projects can be found at the lab website, i.e., Neuroengineering & Pain Research (NPR) Lab
Honors and Awards
- NSF IGERT Pre-doctoral Fellowship, National Science Foundation
- Poster of Distinction Award, Digestive Disease Week
- NIDDK K01 Mentored Research Scientist Development Award, National Institutes of Health
Selected publications
- Feng B*, Zhu Y, La JH, Gebhart GF. (2015) Experimental and computational evidence for an essential role of NaV1.6 in spike initiation at stretch-sensitive colorectal afferent endings. Journal of Neurophysiology, doi: 10.1152/jn.00717.2014.
- Feng B*, Kiyatkin ME, La JH, Ge P, Solinga R, Silos-Santiago A, Gebhart GF. (2013) Activation of guanylate cyclase C attenuates stretch responses and sensitization of mouse colorectal afferents. The Journal of Neuroscience; 33(23):9831-9.
- Feng B*, La JH, Tanaka T, Schwartz ES, McMurray TP, Gebhart GF. (2012) Altered colorectal afferent functions associated with TNBS-induced visceral hypersensitivity in mice. American Journal of Physiology; 303(7):G817-24.
- Feng B*, La JH, Schwartz ES, Tanaka T, McMurray TP, Gebhart GF. (2012) Long-term sensitization of mechano-sensitive and -insensitive afferents in mice with persistent colorectal hypersensitivity. American Journal of Physiology; 302(7):G676-G683.
- Feng B*, Gebhart GF. (2011) Characterization of silent afferents in the pelvic and splanchnic innervations of the mouse colorectum. American Journal of Physiology; 300(1):G170-G180.
* Sole corresponding author