Associate Professor in Residence
Research Interests:
Biomedical Imaging, Bioinstrumentation, Physiological Systems Modeling
Email: david.kaputa@uconn.edu
Bronwell Building
260 Glenbrook Road,
Unit 3247, Room 217.
Storrs, CT 06269
Office Phone: (860)-486-7113
BS Biomedical Engineering, University of Bridgeport
MS Management Engineering, University of Bridgeport
MS Biomedical Engineering, University of Connecticut
PhD Biomedical Engineering, University of Connecticut
Research Summary:
My research area of interest focuses on saccade measurement and modeling. Saccades are studied to gain a better understanding of the human oculomotor plant and neuromuscular system. Abnormal saccades can be indicators of both neurological disorders and mild traumatic brain injury (MTBI).
Selected Publications:
1. Wei Zhou, Xiu Zhai, Alireza Ghahari, Alex G Korentis, David Kaputa and John Enderle. (2017). Static Characteristics of A New Three-Dimensional Linear Homeomorphic Saccade Model. International Journal of Neural Systems. 28. 10.1142/S0129065717500496.
2. Wei Zhou, Xiu Zhai, Alireza Ghahari, Alex G Korentis, David Kaputa and John Enderle. (2017). Dynamic Characteristics of a New Three-Dimensional Linear Homeomorphic Saccade Model. International Journal of Neural Systems. 28. 10.1142/S0129065717500502.
3. David Kaputa and John D. Enderle (2016) An Ultrasound Based Eye tracking System. Journal of Biomedical Engineering and Medical Devices: April 2016; 1:108. doi:10.4172/jbemd.1000108.
4. David Kaputa, David Price, and John D. Enderle (2010) A Portable, Inexpensive, Wireless Vital Signs Monitoring System. Biomedical Instrumentation & Technology: July/August 2010, Vol. 44, No. 4, pp. 350-353. https://doi.org/10.2345/0899-8205-44.4.350