260 Glenbrook Road, Unit 3247, Storrs, CT 06269
PhD Indian Institute of Science
Postdoc Lehigh University
Postdoc University of Virginia
Research Summary:
Our research interests lie at the interface of biomaterials design, tissue engineering, and technology development. Tissue Engineering Science and Technology Laboratory (TEST Lab) has expertise in developing novel biodegradable biomaterials/composites and scaffold systems to control cellular function for different tissue engineering applications. Specifically, TEST Lab is developing graft systems with precise local control over stem cell behavior for bone, cartilage, and bone-cartilage interface engineering. TEST Lab is also interested in understanding cell-biomaterial interactions, the role of physical forces in cell programming, and chemotaxis in populating tissue engineered grafts with native cells. The major thrust areas of our research program are: Biomaterials, Bioprinting, Chemotaxis, Bioreactors, and Tissue Engineering.
Honors and Awards:
Biomedical Engineering Society (BMES) Fellow
Centennial Professor, COE, University of Connecticut
Elected Member, Connecticut Academy of Science and Engineering (CASE)
Castleman Professor in Engineering Innovation, SOE, University of Connecticut
AAUP Teaching Excellence Award, University of Connecticut
Young Investigator Award, AO Foundation, Davos, Switzerland
Junior Investigator Award, Musculoskeletal Transplant Foundation (MTF), Edison, NJ
Books Edited:
Nanda HS, Thomas V, Nukavarapu SP, Boccaccini AR. “Biomaterials 2021: Future of Biomaterials,” Curr Opin Biomed Eng., 18. Special Issue, Elsevier Publishers, 2021.
- Nukavarapu SP, Freeman J, Laurencin CT. Regenerative Engineering of Musculoskeletal Tissues and Interfaces, Woodhead Publishers, 2015.
Nukavarapu SP, Liu H, Deng T, Oyen M, Tamerler C, Advances in Structures, Properties and Applications of Biological and Bioinspired Materials, MRS F13 Symposium Proceedings, Volume 1621, Cambridge Press, 2014.
Selected Publications: (PubMed and Google Scholar listing)
Golebiowska AA, Intravaia JT, Sathe V, Kumbar SG, Nukavarapu SP, “Engineered Osteochondral Scaffolds with Bioactive Cartilage Zone for Enhanced Articular Cartilage Regeneration,” Ann. Biomed. Eng., 1-15, 2024.
Ghosh S, Singh R, Goap JP, Sunnapu O, Vanwinkle ZM, Li H, Nukavarapu SP, Dryden WP, Haribabu B, Vemula PK, Jala VR, “Inflammation-Targeted Delivery of Urolithin A Mitigates Chemical and Immune Checkpoint Inhibitor-Induced Colitis,” J. Nanobiotechnology, 22 (1), 701, 2024.
Golebiowska AA, Intravaia JT, Sathe VM, Kumbar SG, Nukavarapu SP, “Decellularized Extracellular Matrix Biomaterials for Regenerative Therapies: Advances, Challenges, and Clinical Prospects,” Bioact. Mater., 32, 2024.
Golebiowska A, Nukavarapu SP. “Bio-inspired zonal-structured matrices for bone-cartilage interface engineering,” Biofabrication, 2022.
Dorcemus D, Kim H and Nukavarapu SP. “Gradient Scaffold with Spatial Growth Factor Loading for Osteochondral Interface Engineering,” Biomedical Materials, 2021.