
Graduate Course Schedule Fall 2015

Class details are subject to change. Last updated 4/28/2015


Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
 BME 6086-003 

Special Topics in BME:

Sensory Neuroscience Lab

M 2:30-5:30pm

Heather Read

BME 6086-012

Special Topics in BME:

Intro. to Microscopy Imaging and Biophotonics

Tu 2-4:30pm

Guoan Zheng

BME 6086-002 

Special Topics in BME: Advanced Biomaterials

Th 3:30-6:15pm

Syam Nukavarapu




BME 5000-001 


Systems I

Tu 6:00-9:00pm

M. Luby

Open to undergrads w/

Instructor Consent

BME 6086-020 

Special Topics in BME: Biomedical Entrepreneurship

W 3:00-6:00pm

Timothy Folta, et al.

Instructor Consent Req.

*Class meets in E. Hartford



BME 6086-006

Special Topics in BME: Brain Microcircuits

Th 3:00-5:00pm

D. Oliver

Meets at UCHC

Instructor Consent Required

BME 6094-001 

Special Topics in BME: Graduate Seminar

F 12:00-1:00pm

Q. Zhu

Held at Storrs – Videoconferenced to UCHC

BME 5030 

Medical Device Accidents

M 4:00-7:00pm

Frank Painter

Instructor Consent Req.

Clinical Interns Only

BME 6450-001

Optical Microscopy: Bio-Imaging

Tu 5-8:00pm

Ji Yu

Meets at UCHC

 BME 5150 

Dynamical Modeling of Biochemical Networks

W 2:30pm-5:00pm

K. Brown

Instructor Consent


BME 6110-001 

Computational Neuroscience

Th 3-5:00pm

Duck Kim

Meets at UCHC

Instructor Consent Required

BME 6143-001 

Pattern Recognition and Neural Nets

F 1:25-3:55pm

Bahram Javidi

BME 5700-001 

Biomaterials and

Tissue Engineering

Tu 3:30-6:15pm

Y. Khan


BME 6086-005

Special Topics in BME: Computational

Foundations of Systems Biology

W 5pm-7:30pm

Y. Shin

BME 6086-009

Special Topics in BME:

Intro. to Human Factors in Engineering

M 5:00-8:00pm

Michael Qin


BME 6086-008 

Special Topics in BME: Clinical Systems Engineering

Tu 4:00-7:00pm

Frank Painter

Instructor Consent Req.

Clinical Interns Only

Course Descriptions

Course descriptions are provided here for only those courses with a temporary course number such as BME 6086-XX. Undergraduate and Graduate course descriptions are provided at the BME website under either the BS Degree Program Description or the Graduate Program Handbook.

BME 6086-001 Special Topics in BME: Sensory Neuroscience Laboratory

Techniques employed in the experimental investigation of sensory neuroscience. Laboratory exercises in psychophysics and assessment of human and animal sensory abilities. Elementary computer programming is used to synthesize and process sound files and analyze psychophysics data.  A one-hour lecture and two two-hour labs each week.

BME 6086-004 Special Topics in BME: Dynamical Modeling of Biochemical Networks

Recent advances in biological measurement technology have opened up a new era in quantitative
biology. Part of this revolution is the new eld of systems biology, which consists of viewing processes
in biological cells as a whole, rather than considering one gene or protein at a time. Systems biology
relies heavily on mathematical models of cellular processes, often derived from the microscopic laws
of chemical and enzyme kinetics. In this course we will focus primarily on continuum (dierential
equation) models of cellular processes arising from these microscopic laws. Because most of these
models wind up being nonlinear, we will spend a lot of time learning techniques to analyze systems
of nonlinear ordinary dierential equations, and we will explore the fundamental dierences between
linear and nonlinear systems. Biological applications will include modeling observed error rates in
protein translation, using system nonlinearities to design biological toggle switches, and exploring
biological motifs that lead to oscillations, switches, and other behaviors.

BME 6086-012 Special Topics in BME: Introduction to Microscopy Imaging and Biophotonics 

This course will discuss the principles of different state-of-art imaging technologies.  Topics include
monochromatic field propagation, field propagation through lens, computational imaging, structured
illumination, coded aperture imaging, spatial-angular light field imaging, holographic imaging, 3D
tomographic imaging,  detector noise, scattering and absorption, energy transitions associated with
fluorescence, phosphorescence, and Raman emissions. Study of different imaging technologies employed for biomedical research and clinical applications: optical coherence tomography, photon migration, acousto-optics (and opto-acoustics) imaging, fluorescence microscopy, phase microscopy, confocal microscopy, coherent anti-Stokes Raman spectroscopy (CARS), and various super-resolution microscopy techniques.

BME 6086-020 Special Topics in BME: Biomedical Entrepreneurship

This course will prepare students for being innovators and entrepreneurs in life science industries, such as medical devices and biopharmaceuticals. It will involve inter-disciplinary teams that tackle real clinical needs to offer technical solutions and business models that might enable future commercialization. Teams will be aided by industry expert speakers and mentors and faculty coaches. It is expected that businesses might form from the class, but regardless, students will have had an experience that will help them be entrepreneurs in startups or within established firms. Other course information/considerations: Targeting (biomedical, mechanical, and electrical) engineers, MBAs, nurses, medical students, and other health science students.