Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday |
BME 6086-005 Special Topics in BME: Sensory Neuroscience Lab M 2:30-5:30pm H. Read
————- BME 6086-006 Special Topics in BME: Cognition Dynamics ————- BME 6086-001 Special Topics in BME: Drug Delivery M 3:00pm-6:00pm S. Kumbar & Cato Laurencin ————- BME 6086-003 Special Topics in BME: Systems Neuroscience M 3:00-4:00pm, Th 3:00-5:00pm D. Kim Instructor Consent Required UCHC ————- BME 5040 |
BME 6086-014 Special Topics in BME: Biosensors & Nanodevices/Biomed Apps T 1-4:00pm K. Hoshino Instructor Consent Required ————- BME 6086-002 Special Topics in BME: Sensory Neuroscience Lab ————- BME 6086-004 Special Topics in BME: Computational and Systems Biology ————- BME 6086-015 Special Topics in BME: Image Processing Laboratory
————- BME 5010 Research Methods in BME T 4:00pm-6:30pm P. Faghri ————- BME 5500 Clinical Instrumentation Systems |
BME 6086-016 Special Topics in BME:Computational Modeling/BioMEMS for Systems Biology W 2-4:30PM Y. Shin ————- BME 6420 Introduction to Medical Imaging ————- BME 6120 ————- BME 6620 Biosolid Mechanics W 5:00-7:30pm D. Pierce ————- BME 6086-017 Special Topics in BME: Advanced Methods for Biomedical Signal Analysis |
BME 6086-003 Special Topics in BME: Systems Neuroscience ————- BME 6086-003 Special Topics in BME: Developing Mobile Apps for Healthcare ————- BME 5060 Clinical Engineering Rotations I F. Painter Clinical Engineering Interns ONLY Instructor Consent Required ————- BME 5061 Clinical Engineering Rotations II F. Painter Clinical Engineering Interns ONLY Instructor Consent Required |
BME 6094 BME Graduate Seminar F 12:00-1:00pm |
Systems biology is a relatively new field that studies complex interactions within intracellular or intercellular networks using a systems approach. In systems biology, computational modeling plays an important role as it can unravel hidden dynamics that are often hard to recognize intuitively. Considering complex nature of biological systems, biological models should always be validated using relevant experiments, and BioMEMS (Biological or Biomedical MicroElectroMechanical Systems) provides an innovative platform for such experiments. BioMEMS is the science and technology of constructing devices or systems, using methods inspired from micro or nano-scale fabrication, that are used for processing, delivery, manipulation, analysis, or construction of biological and chemical entities. In this course, students will be introduced to BioMEMS with an emphasis on systems biology applications. Integrating BioMEMS with computational modeling for innovative systems biology research is interdisciplinary in nature and requires knowledge and skills for applying molecular biology, chemistry, physics, medicine, engineering, computer science, etc. Through a variety of projects, students will obtain a basic understanding of integrating BioMEMS and computational modeling for systems biology applications. This project-oriented, active learning approach will allow students to work at their own pace, solving problems in exploratory mode to gain better insights, similar to what is done in the context of research.
BME 6086-017 Special Topics in BME: Advanced Methods for Biomedical Signal Analysis
Biomedical signals like ECG, EEG, and LFP are typically non-stationary and have complex features often masked by noise and other interfering signals. The course will introduce advanced statistical methods to deal with these characteristics and to properly model and analyze biomedical signals in various domains of application. The students will get hands-on experience in applying the methods learnt in class to real world problems and a course project will provide the opportunity to explore current problems in biomedical signal analysis, with specific application to neural and ECG data. Topics will include multivariate probability distributions, estimation, model uncertainty, bootstrap, sequential hypothesis test, nonlinear regression, Poisson and generalized point processes, Markov chains, and Bayesian estimation.